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How Good Is That Speech From Independence Day? - Op-Ed Piece
A look into the speech in the film Independence Day and what makes it so great.
How Good Is That Speech From Independence Day? - Op-Ed Piece
A look into the speech in the film Independence Day and what makes it so great.
The Idea Of A Hero – Op-Ed Piece
Characters in recent stories like to talk about their aspiration to become a myth, but is that the best thing for them do?
The Most Underrated Part Of Writing - Op-Ed Piece
The most underrated part of writing is something many writers take for granted, being able to actually record the words.
A Trip To The Bookstore - Short Story
A short story by Greg Luti titled "A Trip To The Bookstore" on the blog Pens and Words is about a writer going to the bookstore.
Mr. Evil And The Tennis Rackets - Short Story
A short story about a mad man trying to destroy Halloween.
The Painting Of Peace and Destruction – Short Story
The short story is about Picasso dealing with a Nazi soldier in the middle of World War 2.
Books Our Readers Are Reading - Week of June 26th, 2023 - News
Books our reading for the week of June 26th, 2023. The books include The Catcher in the Rye, Something Wicked This Way Comes, among others.
Books Our Readers Are Reading - Week of February 27th, 2023
Books that the readers of Pens and Words are reading in the week of February 27th, 2023
First Book Giveaway - News
The whole process is fairly simple. You interact on our social media pages, and you will be eligible for the giveaway.
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