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Books Our Readers Are Reading - Week of February 27th, 2023


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Hey readers,

We will try something different here and list a few of the books that you readers have mentioned you are reading right now.

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Books Our Readers Are Reading - Week of February 27th, 2023

We asked readers on our social media pages what books they are reading right now and here is what they said.

This book is being read by our reader Marcia Hickey.

This 2017 book is about fun adventures and takes of the world from seniors. If you like the book, A Man Called Ove, then this may be for you.

This is also the first book by Phaedra Patrick.

This book is being read by our reader Tammy Young.

I actually went to a conference where this woman spoke about this book when I was in school. (In case you needed a useless face for the day)

If you like The Help, then you may like this one too.

This book is a part of the book club that our reader Hazel Lounghurst Spire is in.

If you like twists and turns in your book, then you may like this one.

Are you going to read any of these books? Have you already read them? We want to hear back from you about what book you are reading at this time.



Hey readers,

We know this is a little bit different than what we normally do. We will try to have more posts like this so that you can see what our readers are interested in reading.

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About The Blogger

Greg Luti is an editor and blogger on His favorite writers are Robert Frost and Charles Bukowski. He enjoys reading up on history, watching comedies, and playing video games, when he is not writing down a few notes for his next piece. He started this blog out of his love for literature and hopes the reader shares that passion.


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