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First Book Giveaway - News

Writer's picture: Greg LutiGreg Luti



Hey readers,

I am happy to report that we will be starting the book giveaway on this site.

This has been in the making for a few months now, but we finally got here.

I hope you all enjoy the books that we select to give away.

Also, for this month we will be writing St. Patrick's Day-related pieces.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram,

Thanks. Enjoy reading.


Literary Quote

walt whitman literary quote

“Resist much, obey little.”

– Walt Whitman


Book Deal

Title - The Alchemist

Author - Paulo Coelho

Description - A special 25th anniversary edition of the extraordinary international bestseller, including a new Foreword by Paulo Coelho.

Combining magic, mysticism, wisdom and wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery, The Alchemist has become a modern classic, selling millions of copies around the world and transforming the lives of countless readers across generations.


Writing Prompt

Write a piece featuring good news. (Or bad news, your call)

The best responses will be featured in a future post.


Literary Meme

the office literary meme astronauts

Book Giveaway

We will announce future updates for the book giveaway. Since this post is about book giveaway, we put more information there.


Social Media Shout-out

Cheryl Elizabeth Richardson commented on our Facebook page about the blog.

"Good idea"

Thanks for the support Cheryl. We hope you continue to like what we are trying to do here.

Comment on one of our social media pages if you want to get a future shout-out.


First Book Giveaway - News

The past few months on this blog, we have spoken about book giveaways with each post we wrote.

“We’ll get to it.” “There will be one….. Eventually”

Well, now we are here. Finally, after all that time, we will start to give out a book to a reader this month.

Since this is a physical book giveaway, we will be asking you for a physical address, so please keep that in mind.

The whole process is fairly simple. You interact on our social media pages, and you will be eligible for the giveaway.

The giveaway is all month. We will announce the winner at the end of the month.

Now, you may be asking yourself, what book are they giving away? And if you are one of those people who sees all the green around here, and thinks we are going with an Irish-themed book, then you must be new here. (Dude, you are overthinking it. The book we giveaway does not have to do with the theme of the month)

Having said that, if you read this blog of literary nonsense and wise words, then you know which book I am going with for the first giveaway.

My boy, Homer, is getting that nod. That’s right. The books that started it all. (kind of) We are going to give away the boxed set of The Iliad and The Odyssey for this month.

I actually got the set myself, and I can say it is great. No, I am not going to pretend like I read it yet. That would be the millionth time I have read them.

The book was The Bible before The Bible. Everyone in the ancient world had to know it. Evidently, Alexander The Great loved it. And if I can say honestly, I enjoy reading them too. I also love that literature has gotten to the point where we really don’t care if Homer was real or not. I mean, we are giving the writing credit for the books The Iliad and The Odyssey to a man named Homer. We want to learn more about him, but it’s just easier to call him Homer and move on. What is really going to happen; we start to say that the first two great books of western literature were written by someone else? Homer wrote The Iliad, and The Odyssey is a fact of literature, whether or not it really is.

rules board circle font wont come here custom

You can see that I am really a Homer nerd, so that is why I picked his books first.

The future book giveaways will probably feature classic books from F. Scott Fitzgerald and Wilde, and Shakespeare, among others, since I know that is what many of you like to read.

So if you want to be in the running for the book giveaway, join our site, follow us, and comment.

Oh, and don’t be an asshole in the comments. That’s not cool.

One last thing, the future giveaways will not be separate posts like this one, but apart of other posts. This is the first one, so I thought it would be nice to separate it from the others.

Also, this one has Homer.



Hey readers,

I hope that you participate in the giveaway.

Follow us on social media.

Thanks for reading.


If you do like this post, please share this on social media. It means a lot to us. Thanks.


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About The Blogger

Greg Luti is an editor and blogger on His favorite writers are Robert Frost and Charles Bukowski. He enjoys reading up on history, watching comedies, and playing video games, when he is not writing down a few notes for his next piece. He started this blog out of his love for literature and hopes that the reader shares that same passion.


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